Tuesday, 26 July 2016

"Now you see me 2" magic date China in early Arco week to Lions Gate - net international tickets

Lionsgate was mayor on Friday at the opening of China with the now see me two, and now look at the report from the three days of the United Nations. Summer hit sequel cartoon $ 2,013 14,800,000 of the hat yesterday in the Middle Kingdom - the magical increase of 790% in local currency and 679% UN the US dollar against the first film. 

As of Saturday, the total two-day $ 36400000 (RMB 240.4M) movie Send $ 50M weekend is expected to open up the market Mayor Lionsgate potential for China. Contemporary Piano anterior Mayor Arch Escape $ 2,013 $ 22,800,000. There are no local official estimates, now seeing me 2 is No. 1 in China, surpassing Independence Day: emissions, it seems that approximately $ 28M from now. Helmer Jon M. Chu, NYSM2 stars Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Morgan Freeman, Woody Harrelson, Dave Franco, Lizzy Caplan and Daniel Radcliffe. Download Now you see me 2 Full Movie Online.

In another indication of the important place of the state in the UN Member of the domestic sales in China, now I see two - shooting scenes include the location in Macau - the benefits of a strong campaign by the local partner Lionsgate Lemus pictures. With a secret weapon in Asia Superstar singer Jay Chou, who also appears in the film? And it gave the main topic of Kung Fu Panda 3. Originally NYSM, Jano UN Foreign Cume $ 234th A year later fool "the FBI and win the admiration of the public with their style of software Robin Hood of magic, witches Resurgir a new society, hoping to expose unethical practices from pole technology. Behind the man she disappears team cannot be another Walter Mabry, riders technological miracle UNO robbery is still impossible to threaten to take away. Their only hope is to run the public trick sin activity point précédentes UN and most beautiful names of the brains behind everything.

Warner Bros. offered the sequel fear witchcraft two in hopes of drawing horror fan who still need to agree on a horror UN ES 2016 Lionsgate / Summit took another sequel over the weekend with his movement and magical adventure now I see a continuation of the two where they expect leaving the original. Finally, the expected tannins filming the popular game Warcraft Blizzard see the light under the global protection. 

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